Welcome to the home of Rocketry in Ireland
Rocketry as a hobby started in the United States in the 1950s. Over the years,
it has grown worldwide, with clubs and organisations holding monthly and annual
launch events. In Ireland, such events were held in Tuam, Co. Galway . . . until
someone built a motorway through the middle of our launch site. The rockets
that are flown here range from small 'A' class motors to high power "K"
and "L" rockets capable of travelling thousands of feet into the sky
at supersonic speeds.
Launch Sites needed:
We are currently looking for suitable launch sites for large rocket
around Ireland
(small rockets can be launched from almost anywhere)
If you think you know of a site, please let us know here.
All Rocket Launches are Family Events!
Sign up to receive an email when we announce a launch date.
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to say you can unsubscribe at any time.